24. Refresh on Confusion Matrices

Confusion Matrices

In Luis's Evaluation Metrics section, we learned about confusion matrices, and if you need a refresher, the video is below.

Confusion Matrix-Question 1

Type 1 and Type 2 Errors

Sometimes in the literature, you'll see False Positives and True Negatives as Type 1 and Type 2 errors. Here is the correspondence:

  • Type 1 Error (Error of the first kind, or False Positive): In the medical example, this is when we misdiagnose a healthy patient as sick.
  • Type 2 Error (Error of the second kind, or False Negative): In the medical example, this is when we misdiagnose a sick patient as healthy.

But confusion matrices can be much larger than
2 \times 2. Here's an example of a larger one. Let's say we have three illnesses called A, B, C. And here is a confusion matrix:

A confusion matrix for three types of illnesses: A, B, and C

A confusion matrix for three types of illnesses: A, B, and C

As you can see, each entry in the
i-th row and the
j-th column will tell you the probability of the patient having illness
i and getting diagnosed with illness

For example, from the entry on the second row and the first column, we can determine that if a patient has illness B, the probability of getting diagnosed with illness A is exactly 0.08.

Now, let's test our knowledge with some quizzes.

Quiz 1

What is the probability of getting diagnosed with illness C, if you suffer from illness A?


Quiz 2

What is the probability of getting misdiagnosed if you suffer from illness C?


Quiz 3

If you had a perfect classifier, how would your confusion matrix look like?

SOLUTION: The identity matrix

Quiz 4

If your doctor was a monkey that no matter what, would always point at the letter B, what would the confusion matrix look like?

SOLUTION: All 1's in the second column, zeros everywhere else

Quiz 5

Check all the properties that a confusion matrix must satisfy.

  • Every entry is between 0 and 1
  • The entries in every row must add to 1